Team considerations when scaling your business


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Team considerations when scaling your business

Winston Churchill said, ‘He who fails to plan, is planning to fail’, but what does this mean when a business is looking to scale?

Too many businesses throw staff at the problem……does this sound like you or someone you know?

I’m getting busy, my business is taking off……hire more staff

I can’t keep up with everything I have to do……hire more staff

It’s time for me to grow……hire more staff

I want to work on the business, not in the business……hire more staff

Hiring more staff is a simple and often accurate solution, however you don’t build a house from the roof up, you must start with the foundations. There is a LOT more that goes in to scaling and growing your business than simply hiring new staff.

Many business owners stay small for the simple fact that they don’t know how to grow successfully. It makes sense! You start a business because you are excellent at what you do, you love what you do…..but are you excellent at running a successful business with a team who can ‘do what you do’? For the most part no, and that’s ok! You are the expert in your industry, as we are experts in ours.

Is your team ready to scale or fail? Here are six key team considerations when scaling your business.

1. Start with your foundations

Get your processes correct, ensure you have robust policies in place and that team members have an understanding of these. Too many businesses allow team members to work outside of a framework of clear policies, leading to a workplace that is not psychologically safe – team members are constantly in a state of flux, questioning decisions and unsure if they will be in trouble for an incorrect decision. Clear parameters through policies and procedures will minimise this, leading to a safe and more productive workplace, where team members are empowered to make decisions within clear guidelines and organisational framework.

Processes need to be standardised, relevant and understood across all levels of the organisation. A clear framework leads to greater innovation and critical thinking across your workforce, not less.

2. Ensure role clarity

Banner Right ImageLack of role clarity is a key driver for business failure. Who is who in the zoo? Do we all jump in and do what needs doing when……and there is something to be said for rolling up your sleeves and jumping in, however on a day to day basis it is simply not efficient for people to move so fluidly across multiple roles, and you will find constant double handling, re-work and critical tasks missed. When your team is directionless, they start to simply ‘put out fires’ without moving forward with your company vision. To successfully scale your business, it is important that your team members are moving forward, towards your vision.

When you ‘hire more staff’ it is important to also know who you are looking for…..are you  recruiting on ‘sameness’, how diverse is your workforce, have you objectively considered the fit for your organisation and what are the critical roles that need to be addressed to assist you to grow?

3. Build collaborative partnerships outside of your businessPractical Hr Skills

Do you have a growth mindset, are you building key relationships and both formal and informal alliances? Peer coaching is a keyway to develop your knowledge and grow as a professional and individual. Social media is an excellent networking tool, however, complements more traditional networking and professional development relationships, versus replacing these.

Mentoring relationships, business networks and engaging business coaches will assist you to build collaborative partnerships outside your business. Keep abreast of industry trends, improve your creative and critical thinking skills and market your business……oh, and always have fun along the way.

4. Invest in your team

Let your team drive your vision, inspire your team, and take them on the journey with you. One way to invest in your team is through personal and professional development. You will attract and retain top talent and team members will be more invested and subsequently more driven to help your business thrive. As Richard Branson said, ‘Train people well enough so they can leave, treat them well enough so they don’t want to’. Too often training solutions are applied as a set and forget, with no follow up or ongoing commitment between team member and manager or manager and directors. In addition, often an organisation will send part of their team to training……meaning they come back speaking a different ‘workplace language’ and the excitement and new ideas that they were motivated to implement are lost. Invest in your whole team and provide opportunities to your entire workforce to develop and grow. A strong team strengthens your business.

5. Take the temperature of your team

Is your team resilient and ready to help your business grow? A strong, emotionally intelligent team, with strong bonds and trust will ultimately be more able to adapt and change as you grow your business. Growth can be inconsistent, change is uncertain and feared, with a team that is able to remain flexible and adaptable, you will move through each stage more successfully.

It is important to understand the health of your team and close any gaps to embark on your next stage with your best foot forward – a strong, healthy, happy team.

6. Ask for help

Les Brown (motivational speaker and previous US politician) said ‘Ask for help. Not because you are weak. But because you want to remain strong’.

Remain strong and achieve your potential with Targeted Training.  Work with us today to realise all of the above, and more – Call us on 1300 975 975 or email

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